taxi fares

Worldwide taxi fares at

Local taxi fares for cities and destinations all over the world


At, you can find out the price of the taxi before you go, to plan your budget, and to avoid getting ripped off.

For example, you'll learn how much to pay for a taxi from JFK to Manhattan, New York. You'll find out how much a cab ride from Pattaya to Bangkok will cost. And do you know how to avoid getting ripped off by Berlin taxi drivers?

Besides approximate taxi rates and taxi prices, you will also find advice on how to get hold of a taxi in the city where you're going, local taxi culture, tipping customs, what to do if you get scammed by the taxi driver, and much more.

Have a look around, and you will find all the information you need to know before you step into a taxi, for hundreds of cities and destinations worldwide.

Welcome to!

London taxi fares